Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Unique challenge for experienced director - PAID

I am in search of an experienced director to tackle a unique challenge. My seven year old son is an up and coming film director, and I have decided that he is ready to direct his first feature film. His father has agreed to fund a film up to $250,000, so I'm looking for an experienced director to guide him through the process. He will be making all creative decisions, but he will need help and guidance.

His favorite directors are Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, and Stanley Kubrick. Special preference will be given to anyone who has worked with one of these directors in the past.

You will be helping my son solicit a script, pitch the script to his father, and then plan and create the film. I am not in the film industry so please send a proposed weekly salary in your response to this ad. Only experienced directors who include a proposed salary will be considered.

Thank you for your time.

via Craigslist

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